Alan Seale
Transformational Presence:
A Compass for Our Times
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Author, speaker, and mentor to leaders and coaches around the world, Alan Seale is the founder and director of the Center for Transformational Presence. He is the creator of the Transformational Presence Leadership and Coach Training program which now has graduates from more than 35 countries. He is the author of 7 books, currently published in English, Dutch, French, Russian, Norwegian, Polish, Romanian, and soon in Swedish and Finnish. Truly a global mentor and coach, Alan has served clients from six continents.
Through 2021, Alan maintained a full speaking and teaching schedule throughout the Americas and Europe as well as on Zoom. He has worked in 17 countries. In 2022, he stepped back from teaching to devote more time to one-on-one mentoring and coaching, writing, and speaking.
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