Ben Spaloss

Amusing Ourselves to Death:
An Ethnography from a TikTok Influencer

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Ben Spaloss is a youth advocate with more than 147,000 followers on TikTok, where he posts to help people improve their relationships with their phones. His advocacy work has led him to be a late-stage editor for Dr. Jonathan Haidt’s upcoming book on the research on social media and reduced mental health. He has been heavily influenced by Contextual Behavioral Sciences and is co-authoring a book with Dr. Mavis Tsai on the principles of living with Awareness, Courage and Love.

Learning more about what Ben does is a bit difficult, because his goals don't have to do with spreading content or ideas, but having people question how they relate to content and ideas. He does not want to encourage viewers to follow him or his TikTok profile, but instead, consider viewing a couple of his videos below to see if they resonate. If they do, consider reading the Google Doc below that contains more of his thoughts, as well as information to join his Discord community.

Here are three of Ben's TikTok videos:
Video 1 | Video 2 | Video 3

Click here for Ben’s Google Doc with additional information.

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How to Read a Book:
A Threefold Path to Gleaning Wisdom

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