Dr. Edith Shiro

The Unexpected Gift of Trauma

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Dr. Edith Shiro is a clinical psychologist in private practice in Miami, Florida. She specializes in trauma and posttraumatic growth, holding space and guiding her patients to achieve greater potential and higher consciousness.

Dr. Shiro is a co-founder of the Trauma and Resilience Center, a board member of the World Happiness Foundation, and an active member of Cadena International, providing humanitarian aid and disaster prevention worldwide. She has worked at the Clinic for Survivors of Torture at Bellevue Hospital, the Cambodian refugee clinic at Montefiore Medical Center, and the Human Rights Clinical Support Network at REFUGE, among others.

She continues to offer workshops on trauma-based therapy for mental health professionals since 9/11 and is a frequent guest on various TV shows, podcasts, and radio programs.

Dr. Shiro’s Free Gift To You

The Kintsugi Meditation in English and Spanish

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