Dr. Mohammad Najafi
The Heart's Compass:
Navigating Modern Life with Rumi's Ancient Wisdom
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Dr. Mohammad Najafi is a well-recognized Psychologist, Rumi interpreter, and Reiki Master. He is the founder of Harmony Healing Center in Dubai, United Arab Emirates (since 2012) and London, United Kingdom (since 2020).
In addition to being an advocate for mental health, he has extensive experience in leadership, strategic planning, and business management. Dr. Najafi has more than 20 years of experience working in the United Arab Emirates and overseas, and has built a solid reputation for effective counseling, assessing patient needs, and achieving desirable outcomes, plus a special interest in teaching psychology.
Alongside his professional journey, Dr Najafi is also motivated by his personal experiences. He believes that psychological well-being is not only a fundamental need of every human being, but also crucial in maintaining balanced and harmonious overall physical health. As a Rumi Interpreter, he carries out special Heartfulness Meditations focused on the heart, coupled with a series of talks entailing key principles of life rooted in the ancient poems of Rumi.
He has a Ph.D. in Psychology and is fluent in Farsi, English, and Arabic.
Dr. Najafi’s Free Gift To You
Register to attend a LIVE 30-minute Rumi-focused Heartfulness Meditation on Wednesday, May 1st, 2024 at 8 am Pacific Time.
Registration Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZErfumgqT4vHtfHDx8zFqBsiWoHdzxJvXlV#/registration
You will receive a recording of this live session if you register but cannot attend.