Nobantu Mpotulo

I Am Because We Are:
Principles of the African Philosophy of Ubuntu

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Nobantu Mpotulo hails from South Africa. Being amongst the first five African Coaches globally to be accredited as a Master Certified Coach by the International Coach Federation, Nobantu is a sought-after facilitator for Leadership Development Programs and coaches internationally.

As a Buddhist practitioner and teacher, she supports her clients in integrating the head, heart, and instinctual and spiritual intelligence. Nobantu is an accredited Enneagram Teacher and Coach, and is a Buddhist Teacher, a Process Facilitator, and Facilitator of Peace Circles. She trains, supervises, and mentors other coaches. She has experience as a coach and an Organizational Development Facilitator in private and public sectors, in NGOS or Non-Governmental Organizations, nonprofit organizations, and in higher education.

Nobantu developed the Ubuntu Coaching Programme that assists coaches in connecting at the heart level with their clients. No matter what she does, she gets to the HEART of the client and the HEART of the matter based on the principles of UBUNTU, the African philosophy that teaches we are human only through the humanity of others—“I am because we are”.

Nobantu is a facilitator of peace circles.

Nobantu’s Free Gift To You

An article on The Practice of Ancient African Wisdom of Ubuntu.

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