Robin Landsong

Courageous Hearts:
The Transformative Power of Love in Times of War

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Robin Aisha Landsong is a Transformational Speaker, Visual Artist, Medicine Singer, and Medical/ Health Intuitive.

She had two Near Death Experiences during the Rhodesian War in 1977 when she was eight years old. When she was called back to life by the Medicine Song of a rural Zimbabwean woman, it opened her own Medicine Songs, and she has given Singing Medicine to over 16,000 people.

Her specialties as a Craniosacral Therapist are trauma resolution, the neurobiology of connection, and restoring the natural rhythms in the body. She sees each person’s gifts, strengths, and underlying cause of their physical, emotional, or spiritual distress.

Robin helps people come home to their creativity, intuition, and embodiment.

Robin’s Free Gift To You

Nurture Your Nervous System by Receiving Singing Medicine

Join Robin for a free 60-minute class on Nurturing Your Nervous System. During the hour, she will give Singing Medicine to the group and choose three participants to sing to your nervous system.

This class is a beautiful opportunity to witness the truth that trauma survivors are a powerful group of people.

Robin looks forward to seeing the ways we have been broken open to know our strengths. The group will finish with an open Q&A session.

Click here to claim this free gift!