Dr. Sanjana Das

Paths to Dignity:
The Impact of Intersectional Feminism on Trafficked and Migrant Women's Lives

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Dr. Sanjana Das is a research scholar, educator, development practitioner, and advocate for the protection and assertion of human rights, gender justice, and child protection. She promotes solutions to work towards a just society that affirms the dignity and personhood of vulnerable and trafficked women and children worldwide, especially from the global South. She works towards promoting transformative praxis to address systemic and structural factors that contribute to an unjust and unequal world for the poor, oppressed, and marginalized.

Dr. Das has over 25 years of experience working with and for the empowerment of women and communities in the margins. She believes that women have the resources and knowledge to contribute to the body of knowledge from their lived and intersectional experiences of exclusion, discrimination, deprivation, and of empowerment. She utilizes her skills and experiences of facilitating feminist participatory processes for action, research, and advocacy.

Her mission revolves around cultivating a wider community of solidarity, closely collaborating with women and communities facing poverty, marginalization, and oppression. She spearheads meaningful discussions on human dignity, setting the stage for practical action, active involvement, and solidarity. Having recently earned her Ph.D., Dr. Das explored the complexities of human trafficking, migration, and the pursuit of decent work for women within the frameworks of neoliberal capitalism and globalization, alongside the women's fight for a dignified life. Her insights and expertise have led to invitations from numerous global forums for speaking engagements.

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