Susan Partnow
Healing Divides, Mending Hearts:
The Deep Impact of Compassionate Listening
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Susan Partnow, M.A., a Certified Facilitator for Compassionate Listening, is dedicated to integrating the spiritual with social activism, building community, and capacity for healing and peacemaking. For over 35 years, she has been a driving force in social transformation 'from the inside out' through Compassionate Listening.
As a co-founder of Conversation Cafes, Let's Talk America, Global Citizen Journey, and Seattle Restorative Justice, and a pivotal figure in the Awareness, Courage & Love Global Project as a founding board member and former board President, as well as a key leader of the Poor People's Campaign, Susan excels in transforming conflict through dialogue and restorative justice practices.
She is the author of Everyday Speaking for All Occasions and a co-contributor to Practicing the Art of Compassionate Listening.
Deeply committed to intercultural and interfaith understanding, peacemaking, and community building, Susan holds a firm belief in the power of 'listening our way to wholeness' as a path to rediscover our humanity through connection, wise co-creation, and dialogue.
Susan’s Free Gift To You
Sign up for The Compassionate Listening Project’s occasional newsletter and you will be gifted with a wonderful PDF book written by their founders:
Compassionate Listening:
An Exploratory Sourcebook About Conflict Transformation
By Gene Knudsen Hoffman, Cynthia Monroe, and Leah Green