The Essence of Gratitude:
Elevating Personal and Organizational Well-Being
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Vibha is a transformative facilitator, dedicating over 20 years to social development in the realms of public health and education. Her extensive international experience includes valuable contributions to organizations like the United Nations Population Fund, SIFPSA (a family planning and reproductive health services organization in India), Population Services International, Johns Hopkins University, and Room to Read, impacting regions such as India, Sri Lanka, Myanmar, Thailand, Afghanistan, the UK, the USA, and the Netherlands. Vibha specializes in organizational development, program design, behavior change communication, and fostering social-emotional-ethical learning, employing Liberating Structures for dynamic workshop facilitation.
Central to Vibha's methodology is her focus on gratitude, leveraging it as a key tool in tapping into the emotional and spiritual intelligence of individuals and teams. Her work is deeply rooted in systems thinking, the whole person concept, and vedic wisdom. Her solutions, crafted through a systems perspective and design thinking, emphasize visioning, action planning, and program reviews, nurturing collective intelligence for impactful organizational wellbeing.
She is on a mission to spread the joy of gratitude and her initiatives are anchored in contemplative practices, Integral Yoga, and the whole person concept, promoting individual wellbeing and organizational health. Her training in the Genuine Contact Program, Cognitively Based Compassion Training, and Vipassana, among others, underpins her work. With a mission fueled by integrity and compassion, her work is to enhance both human and planetary well-being. Through her NGO, Muskaan, and TaraSri Foundation, she is committed to enriching lives and organizations, guiding them towards holistic health and transformative growth. Its flagship project, Girls' Fellowship, supports young girls from less privileged backgrounds. Walls That Speak is her curated creative initiative, published in the form of a book. When not working, Vibha goes on gratitude road trips or simply meditates with the flow of River Ganges.
Vibha’s Free Gift To You
Five Simple Activities to Integrate Gratitude In Your Daily Life
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